All About Little Cats

See the Featured Cat of the Month

Types of Cats

There are so many different kinds of cats, and they are all very beautiful and unique! Here are some different colors of domestic cats:

A tabby cat

Tabby Cats

Tabbies are basically the "default" cat. Their coat is patterned in such a way that they can easily camouflage in forests, trees, and old embroidered upholstery. My first ever cat was a tabby named Rap who belonged to my mom since before I was born. His name was originally Rapunzel until my mom discovered he was actually a boy cat. We later had a tabby cat named Mittens, who was named that because she had white socks on her front paws, like a pair of mittens.

A black cat

Black Cats

Black cats are often seen as cool and aloof, but I think they're just shy. They are generally regarded as the least likely cat to get adopted, which is awful because black cats are so great. They are very sweet and also fairly low-key. My black cat spends the vast majority of his time sleeping. When he is not sleeping, he is gently meowing and pawing at me to get my attention. It's great. He's the best. He also got an A+ at his last vet appointment.

An orange cat

Orange Cats

Orange cats are said to share a single brain cell that travels between them on a rotation. I can vouch for this, as I lived with an orange cat in undergrad. His name was Jude, and he loved the color green. His favorite toy was a stuffed green bean that we named Jeff. He also tried to attack the Hamlet character finger puppet magnets we kept on the fridge. We had to keep them all the way on the top, and even then he could still jump up and reach them. I caught him doing it on video once. We eventually let him keep the Gertrude puppet because she deserved it.

A white cat

White Cats

White cats may look beautiful and majestic, but in reality they are huge goobers. They are also extremely needy and will yell at you constantly, but it's worth it to have such a gorgeous creature in your home. They do tend to have more health problems than other cats according to an internet listicle I read once and choose to believe due to the cognitive bias I have from my own experiences. At the end of the day, white cats are basically just whiny little high maintenance clouds, and we love that for them. I have to go now, my cloud is yelling at me.

Cat Behavior Facts!

Why do cats purr?

Cats primarily purr when they are happy. The vibrations from purring produce endorphins and oxytocin, which help to promote healing and bonding. Cats will also purr in times of stress to attempt to self-soothe. There are many theories as to what causes the purring noise in cats, but the current leading theory is that they purr because they are full of bees.

Biscuit making

Have you ever experienced your cat pressing their paws against you? Congratulations! Your cat is making biscuits! This behavior occurs when a cat feels at ease, and is often accompanied by purring. Cats will also make biscuits to prepare for a flourishing career in baking! However, be warned: cats with a prominent baking business are at a higher risk of incarceration due to tax evasion.

Featured Cat of the Month


Boone, a grey and white cat wearing a bowtie.
Submitted by Allie K.

Boone is an 11 year old house cat who lives a charmed life in Tahoe, CA. He is well loved by his mom and dad and demands cuddles from them frequently. Boone's favorite toy is crumpled paper, and his favorite treat is freeze-dried sardines.

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